'Pay for Results' certified treatments

Tinnitus treatment
Our tinnitus treatment is not yet available. We plan on having a psychoimmunology treatment ready in 2025. If you are interested in being put on a waiting list for treatment in the future once our treatment is ready, please phone us during office hours, or email us.
Research history
Although tinnitus is obviously not a serious major health problem, we chose to find a treatment for it for several reasons. First, it is considered incurable, making a successful treatment valuable to potential clients. Secondly, we'd occasionally encounter this disease due to our very effective silent mind treatment. Once a client's mind chatter was gone, their minds become so silent that some would suddenly notice their pre-existing background tinnitus much more than before. (This is similar to when you can suddenly notice refrigerator noise when everyone leaves the kitchen.) Third, we were academically curious about the underlying biology of the disease, as it a 'disease of unknown etiology'. And finally, we had easy access to test clients because several of the research staff had tinnitus, making it simple to fit it into our work schedule.
We first started occasionally looking for the underlying biological cause in 2010. By 2015 or so we had discovered that the disease was actually caused by a subcellular pathogen, so at that point we quit working on the project. But in the last few years, we'd cracked the psychoimmunology problem, so in the fall of 2023 we started to work on tinnitus again. Unfortunately, this is a low priority project for us and so other more important research and testing priorities got in the way, but we plan on finishing a treatment for tinnitus in 2025.