Psychoimmunology Institute staff directory

Photo Mary Pellicer MD
Mary Pellicer, MD
Medical Director

USA clinic

clinic team
Mary Pellicer MD
Medical Director for Applied Research
Phone: +1 (509) 949-1843
Email: Click here to email Mary
LinkedIn, ORCID
Yakima, Washington, USA

Mary Pellicer MD is the medical director for the applied research group, as well as a member of the basic research team. Her focus is in applying the Institute's psycho-immunology breakthroughs to treatments for chronic diseases currently considered incurable.

Mary has a lifelong interest in healing work. Trained as a family practitioner, she worked for a number of years in a community and migrant health clinic practicing conventional allopathic medicine. She also has experience in community work, having served as both medical director of a healthy community project for a large hospital system and evaluation consultant for a number of community service programs.

clinic team
photo Dr. Grant McFetridge
Grant McFetridge PhD (Psychology)
Phone: +1 (250) 509-0514
Email: Click here to email Grant
LinkedIn, ORCID
Hornby Island, BC, Canada

Dr. Grant McFetridge is focused on the research and development efforts. "I received my MSEE from Stanford University, and did my doctoral work in psychology at the California Institute for Integral Studies and at the University for Integrative Learning. I used to design electronic products, and teach electrical engineering at Cal Poly (California State University at San Luis Obispo), before moving to full time medical research. My areas of expertise are in research and development, psycho-immunology, psychobiology modeling, and trauma."

photo Shayne McKenzie CEO
Shayne McKenzie

Australia clinic

clinic team
Shayne McKenzie - CEO
Phone: +61 481 279 233
Email: Click here to email Shayne
LinkedIn, ORCID
Byron Bay, NSW, Australia

"I am honored to take on this leadership role for the Institute. The work that we do is a natural expression of my life purpose - to make a positive difference to humanity." Shayne teaches, conducts research, and directs the Institute. His background includes management consulting and coaching.

photo Dr. Kirsten Lykkegaard
Kirsten Lykkegaard DVM, PhD
Director of Research

Denmark clinic

clinic team
Kirsten Lykkegaard DVM, PhD (Pharmacology)
Director of Research
Tel: +45 2064 3935
Email: Click here to email Kirsten
LinkedIn, ORCID
Copenhagen, Denmark

With a life-long passion for research, Kirsten is focused on understanding and solving fundamental biological problems. As Director of Research Kirsten contributes to setting the overall research strategies, prioritizations and contributes to safety as well as effectiveness testing in order to develop new, safe and effective techniques. Kirsten has a background as a doctor of veterinary medicine, also holds a PhD in pharmacology, and has contributed with fundamental research in biomedical research companies for the last 17 years. Kirsten's current focus is on traumatic brain injury (TBI), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), immunity to specific viral and bacterial diseases, autism, and addictions.

clinic team
photo Leif Pedersen
Leif Pedersen
Tel: +45 5117 1838
Email: Click here to email Leif
Vejle Nord, Løsning, Denmark

"I have a background in biology and sales management, and I have over two decades experience in conventional and cutting edge therapies. As a licensed psychotherapist, I have never had the chance to go as deep as we now do with Peak States therapy. I speak Danish, English and German."