'Pay for Results' certified treatments

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) treatment
July 23, 2024
Who is this TBI treatment for?
If you have experienced reduced functioning following a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or concussion from falls during sport or other activities, vehicle collisions, violence or other physical trauma to the head then this treatment is designed to help you.
What symptoms does this treatment eliminate?
When we treat a client, we agree to eliminate two of your major TBI symptoms. This generally means that the rest of one's TBI symptoms also disappear, as these symptoms are common markers for TBI. However, many people have had TBI over long periods of time, and can get symptoms from other diseases that are unrelated to their TBI event. Hence, we focus on two disabling symptoms in our agreement that we know are due to a TBI event.
For examples of the huge range of possible TBI symptoms, take a look at our Q&A on TBI webpage.
What problems does our treatment not help?
This treatment does not eliminate symptoms from strokes (either due to blood clots or due to brain bleeds), nor due to viral or bacterial meningitis, nor from brain injuries that remove brain tissue (for example, from an object penetrating the brain tissue). We do hope to have treatments for strokes some time in the future. This treatment does not bring a client out of a coma, although we are also currently researching a treatment for this. Nor does this treatment increase IQ, although it does usually make the client's brain function better than it did before treatment, although this varies with each client and their degree of pre-existing infection. We do not know if this treatment will help or eliminate cerebral palsy, as we have done no testing on this.
Our 'Pay for Results' contract
Because most of our TBI clients have had it for years, and over time can acquire other problems unrelated to TBI, we write our contract to focus on a few symptoms that are definitive for TBI. You can download the contract from here - we encourage you to look it over.
How the TBI treatment works
This treatment works by reducing susceptibly (and increasing resilience) to brain injury. For example, if you imagine that 10 people experience the exact same blow to the head in exactly the same way, some will be severely injured while some will be unaffected. The unharmed ones simply have less susceptibility to brain injury. This treatment restores that natural resilience and repairs existing traumatic brain damage.
It turns out that the lack of TBI resilience is due to two different fungal infections in the brain. Each causes a different set of symptoms in clients with TBI. Our psychoimmunology treatment is designed to eliminate one or both of these fungal infections. Once they are gone, the brain rapidly rebuilds itself and restores function.
Immunity to future TBI events
Once complete, a person does not have to redo the treatment if they get another concussion or suffer a TBI. Instead, depending on the severity of the injury, the person either immediately or soon after throws off the effects of the blow (assuming the injury did not cause brain injuries our treatment does not cover as described above).
Treatment details
Treatment usually takes 3-10 sessions but it sometimes requires more time. This is because most people with TBI, especially major TBI have a hard time focusing for more than a short time per day on this treatment. Thus, we generally work for a short session per day at first. Fortunately, symptoms start to reduce quickly, allowing treatment to go longer and faster after a few sessions.
We use a standard psychoimmunology technique that uses a meridian therapy that treats prenatal trauma. The therapist gently guides the client in how to do this. Most clients find the treatment easy to do, with little discomfort. Note that after each treatment, you will need to rest, and should refrain from driving for a 10-hour period.
For more information about our treatment:
- Testimonials and case studies for the TBI treatment
- Questions and answers on our TBI treatment.
- Our presented at the 13th World Congress on Brain Injury (Toronto, 2019)
- Our informed consent, liability, medical history, and testimonial forms (PDFs)
- Our TBI 'pay for results' contract (PDF)
If you have more questions, or want to explore having a treatment, feel free to phone during office hours, or email us. We look forward to helping you!
The clinic staff