'Pay for Results' certified treatments

Autism treatment
July 23, 2024
Our autism treatment is not yet available. We plan on having a psychoimmunology treatment ready in 2025. If you are interested in being put on a waiting list for treatment in the future once our treatment is ready, please phone us during office hours, or email us.
We do have a very fast, effective treatment for Asperger's syndrome at our clinic.
We have been researching autism since 1998. Earlier treatments greatly reduced symptoms, but did not completely eliminate the disease. With the advent of our new psychoimmunology approach, we have made significant progress and are on track to have a complete treatment available in 2025.
Treatment research and development
Our first treatment for severe (non-Asperger's) autism was developed in 1999, and worked extremely well for 4 out of the 6 autistic children tested. However, we suspended the research because we felt we needed a better understanding of the underlying biology than we had at the time. In 2016 we restarted the research because our understanding of subcellular and developmental psychobiology was far more complete. The project was again put on hold, waiting for a breakthrough in psychoimmunology, which finally happened a few years ago, allowing us to complete our treatment research.
What happens after treatment?
Our focus has been on treating children with severe autism, and even with just our partly successful treatments, we've learned a lot about what changes to expect in the child after treatment. First, the mothers immediately know that treatment worked, because suddenly they can sense and feel a connection to their child. The autistic child then goes through a period of several months where they relive all the developmental events that were blocked by their autism - crawling, walking, talking, etc. It is like their development is on fast forward. For example, one young child went from being non-verbal at age 8 to years later graduating with a masters degree in mathematics.
Below are some videos from our older treatment results. As these greatly improved but did not completely eliminate the child's autism symptoms, these treatments were kept in research and not made available to clients.
Potential autism treatment - a mother's journey through the research process (2021)
Autism testimonial by Linda Johnson (2010)
Linda talks about how her severely autistic son was treated 10 years previously and how he is now.