'Pay for Results' certified treatments

Q&A on the Asperger's Syndrome treatment
Frequently asked questions:
Q: What kind of autism are you able to treat?
A: At the moment we are only treating Asperger's syndrome.
Q: Is a diagnosis of autism required?
A: No. There is a simple, kinesthetic test for Asperger's a client can use.
Q: Are you willing to treat people with many different diagnoses?
A: We will make a decision individually from case to case.
Q: How long does it take?
A: The first treatment can take up to 3 hours. Following sessions are usually less than 2 hours.
Q: How many treatments are necessary?
A: Plan on three or possibly four sessions. (These times don’t include any follow-up treatments for adjustment issues.)
Q: How does the client feel between treatments?
A: It is very individual how the clients feel between treatments. Some are free of symptoms after the first treatment; others take a second session.
Q: What happens if this process doesn’t work, or if it works only partially?
A: Then everything remains the same; or there might be just a certain percentage of improvement in the symptoms of the client.
Q: Is the child client going to sit/sleep/be sitting with a parent or something else?
A: Yes. A parent is greatly preferred.
Q: Do you touch the client?
A: No. The client will gently tap their own hand. If the client is a child, the parent will do the tapping, or the child if old enough to follow instructions.
Q: If this process really works, why aren’t you famous?
A: Not many people know of this treatment yet, as there are only a handful of therapists who are trained in the technique.
Q: Have you been only partially successful in treated people, or even had to give up in helping someone?
A: Because people are very complex, we don’t expect to be able to help everyone. Currently, most of our clients have had excellent results, if the symptoms are caused by the disease we know how to treat.
Q: If the agreed upon Asperger's symptoms are only partially eliminated, what is the fee?
A: There is no charge in this case.
Q: If I have more questions, where can I get an answer?
A: you are welcome to phone the clinic near you.
Q: Will follow up treatments be required?
A: It might be necessary, and we recommend it in most cases. The Asperger's might be gone and yet other problems in the client that might have been suppressed for a long time can surface. (For example, a fear of being alone, which is something the therapists we recommend can deal with.) In addition, the parents may have issues come up around their child changing. This is not included in the Asperger's process fee.
Q: What can I expect after the treatment?
A: After a successful treatment, the client will experience great change as they adapt to a so-called normal way of living, one that they never have experienced before. This new sensation of the world suddenly being present can be quite exhilarating for some, and concerning to others. Many are in awe of how large the sky now feels.
Q: If the client has many different diagnoses, will all other symptoms disappear as well?
A: This process works only for Asperger's and thus it does not necessarily affect any other symptoms from these other diagnoses. However, if the other symptoms were a result of the Asperger's, we would expect them to disappear with time.
Q: Is the effect of the treatment permanent?
A: Yes.
Q: Is medication used in the treatment?
A: No. We use PeakStates trauma-therapy techniques developed specifically for this purpose.