'Pay for Results' certified treatments

Understanding the psychoimmunology approach
The list of diseases we treat are considered incurable using conventional medical approaches. Since we have a 'pay for results' policy in all our work (which means that if our treatment doesn't work there is no charge), and we expect to earn a living treating clients, how is this even possible?
Subcellular psychobiology - finding a disease's cause
The answer lies in our use of two new, disruptive technologies. The first is called 'subcellular psychobiology', and the use of this allows us to (eventually) find the cause of diseases that no one knows the cause of, such as Asperger's, OCD, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's, and so on. Once we've identified the causes, then we move to the next step - using psychoimmunology for treatments.
Designing psychoimmunology (PI) treatments
Since the 1980s, researchers in biomedicine have known that the immune system was affected by our emotions and experiences. Starting in 1998, the Institute for the Study of Peak States has worked on this problem, and finally solved it a few years ago. The solution allowed simple trauma techniques to make a person immune to a targeted pathogen. Our Psychoimmunology Institute uses this new technology specifically for medical applications.
Most vaccines won't cure the person if they already have the disease. Fortunately, the new psychoimmunology approach both eliminates symptoms and gives immunity. And this PI effect is fast - for most diseases, symptoms vanish during treatment right in the office. And once treatment is finished, the client cannot get re-infected - which is especially important for diseases like Lyme, where a client can later encounter more infected ticks.
What is the success rate?
Psychoimmunology depends on the client being able to feel their own emotions and to be able to follow directions. Fortunately, most clients fit this criteria. Based on our large-scale clinical trials, it looks like between 70 to 90% of clients succeed (depending on the disease, as for example diseases like TBI leave some clients less able to follow directions). As time progresses, we expect that success rate to improve even more as we continue to refine our treatments.
To learn more…
For most clients, learning more about our treatment technology is a bit like studying electrical engineering before using your microwave. But for clients who are interested in a more in-depth understanding of these new medical technologies, we refer you to the Institute for the Study of Peak States' research website. Their research, spanning over 25 years, is described on their website, has been published in a number of textbooks, and you can watch presentations from their yearly research symposium on YouTube.
- The PsychoNeuroImmunology Research Society (PNIRS) is the main organization in the psycho-immunology field, with a primary focus on biological processes. Their journal is called Brain Behavior, and Immunity.
- Psycho-immunology webpage at the Institute for the Study of Peak States. This goes more in-depth into this new treatment breakthrough.
- YouTube videos of presentations from the annual International Psychoimmunology and Psychobiology Research Symposium, 2020 to present.